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​Choice of distance learning

Correspondence education and cram school

Most parents will choose a cram school or a private cram school to take the junior high school exam.

I think it is because of the know-how of taking the junior high school exam for many years and the success record.

However, with the spread of the Internet, the technique of being able to view and receive guidance from excellent lecturers remotely has also developed. This means that you can receive guidance from a specialized instructor like a cram school while you are at home, and you are now in an era where you can take on the challenge of taking a junior high school exam through distance learning.

Many of you may know that recently, even major cram schools have started to offer lecture courses using the Internet. However, it is still by a major cram schoolThe price of web courses is high, and it seems that there are some restrictions, such as being able to take only some courses. In correspondence education with a proven track record, we have been developing various services such as incorporating IT well and linking with classroom learning. Nowadays, it can be said that the traditional form has begun to collapse due to the diversification of learning choices for taking the junior high school exam.

Is it possible for only rich people to take the junior high school exam?

A big reason why parents have trouble getting them to take the junior high school exam

・ What if I can't continue studying until the entrance exam?

・ What if your academic ability does not reach the entrance exam school pass line?

・ What if I can't pass the school of my choice?


While there are worries about learning such as


・ Cram school fee is too high

・ There is no school nearby

・ There is no popular cram school in the neighborhood

Some families are having trouble choosing a cram school.

Among them, it seems that many families find it difficult because the cram school fee is too high .

In the first place, it seems that there are voices saying that families who cannot afford the cram school fee should not consider taking the junior high school exam, and that the junior high school exam should be made rich, but that is also a valid opinion. In reality, the tuition fees for six years after enrollment are incomparable between private and public junior high schools. Not only that, but there are also many other costs.

Since some schools ask for donations such as tuition, teaching materials, transportation, training camps, school trips, entertainment expenses, etc., generally consider taking the junior high school exam if your annual household income does not exceed 6 million. It is said that the proportion of households does not increase.

However, it is the same in every home that you want your child to study at a higher school.

In recent years, the number of schools that have advanced to national and public junior and senior high schools has increased, and the number of schools that have scholarships, scholarships, and scholarships has increased. An increasing number of families are thinking about taking the junior high school exam because they are forced to do so.

When you send your child to a major cram school (including classes, special classes, tests, textbook fees, etc.)

・ Fourth grade: About 400,000 to 600,000 yen a year

・ Fifth grade: About 600,000 to 800,000 yen a year

・ 6th grade: About 1 to 2 million yen a year

It is said that it will take.

In addition, if it is a special course, you may have to take a train, which will add transportation costs.

In addition, mobile phones and smartphones are often purchased along with the transfer to and from the cram school, and usage fees are incurred.

When you see such an amount of money, many people may feel that it is impossible for them to live at home.

However, I would like you to take a long-term view of the university entrance exam. Every family wants to go to a university with a higher academic ability.

It can be said that the cost of taking the university entrance exam is much higher than that of the junior high school entrance exam.

Therefore, there are an increasing number of cases in which the total cost of education (10 years of junior high and high school) is reduced by aiming to go on to a national and public university by going on to a junior high and high school integrated school. Some schools have the advantage of being able to save on educational expenses by taking supplementary lectures at their own school without having to go to a double school (a state of attending a cram school every day). In addition, a private junior high school that is consistent with junior high and high schools has a curriculum that cultivates the ability to solve difficult problems by laying the foundation for university entrance exams.

Therefore, not only can the cost of the cram school for university entrance exams be reduced as much as possible , but also the academic ability level will inevitably rise because of the advance learning in terms of academic ability. In addition, you will be strengthened and strengthened in order to keep up with the lessons tailored to students with high academic ability.

Even if you take one of these aspects of cost and academic ability, as well as one of the processes of mental growth, taking the junior high school exam will lead to the future.

Children with a desire to learn, children with high academic ability

What if your child has a high academic ability and is an excellent child from a young age?

It is natural to want children of various types, from children who dislike studying to children who can study moderately, to study together, not in public junior high schools, but with children who have the same level of academic ability on average. Probably.

The reason is that it has a higher learning effect, and above all, it is easier for children.

In the case of public junior high school, a good child cannot easily appeal that he / she is good. The reason is that if it stands out strangely, it will easily lead to bullying. It depends on the class, but if you talk about your studies openly or talk about it, you can imagine the danger of being noticed because you are proud of it or because you have a nose.

Therefore, many parents think that they can talk about their studies and share the joy of competing with their peers at the same level. In fact, it is a fact that many parents feel that private junior high schools with high academic ability have less bullying and are better at dealing with bullying.

Also, in school districts where junior high school exams are progressing, it is easier for children with low deviations to gather in public junior high schools.

Parents who are excellent children but want to study at a school with higher academic ability will also have an opportunity to consider taking the junior high school exam.

Considering the tuition fees that will be incurred in the future, some families may be wondering if they can save even a little on the cram school fee. However, since the number of successful cases of junior high school exams by various methods has increased, it is good to consider using correspondence education etc. well without having a prejudice that "you can not pass unless you go to a cram school". prize. There are many families who have succeeded in taking the junior high school exam while saving on cram school fees, so I would like you to refer to it.

That's not the only reason.

Some families are not thinking about going to cram school from the beginning when taking the junior high school exam, not because of money.

Parents who are related to cram schools and know the know-how of junior high school exams, those who have experience of junior high school exams, those who have some technique such as parents can manage well and see learning is.

Others may not have a cram school nearby.

I don't want to be tied to a cram school. I want to continue my lessons. Of course, there are also families that say.

Such families will use distance learning, etc. to follow up on learning and prepare for the junior high school exam in their own study style.

Is it possible to take the junior high school exam by correspondence education?

The answer to whether it is possible to take the junior high school exam in correspondence education is Yes. It's not impossible.

Every year, some people actually succeed in distance learning.

However, there is no doubt that you need to be strong and prepared to continue doing the right thing.

It is not an environment where you can leave everything to us like a cram school. It is not easy because you need to collect ups and downs of feelings, various information, know-how, etc. by yourself. Of course, it is a fact that it is not suitable for you, but in correspondence education, you can see from the passing experience that you have a solid purpose such as wanting to be compatible with lessons.

Also, the approach will differ depending on where you want to go.

It is recommended for children who have a certain level of academic ability, who usually go to the desk and have the ability to concentrate, as it will improve time efficiency.Also, it can be said that a child who has the patience to continue to solve problems that he does not understand is suitable.

And for parents, it is necessary to be prepared for how to deal with moms who have more than 70% of children who go to cram schools.

At times, you may be seen with cold eyes, "I can't let you go to cram school." In some cases, it may be seen as "absolutely impossible to pass". You also need the strength to overcome such an environment.


Taking the junior high school exam is a tough battle. Even a child who always gets 100 points in elementary school must think that the problem of taking the junior high school exam is completely different. This is because the content goes beyond the boundaries of elementary school learning.

The most important thing in distance learning is continuity and concentration. Fighting loneliness, and managing parentsInformation gathering power.

The higher the deviation value, the more parents need to manage and create an environment where their children can learn well. In terms of learning, it will be essential to provide grade management, wrong question summary, review management, and pre-emptive learning. In addition, it is necessary to select a reference book. In order to supplement the competitive environment such as the cram school test that tends to be insufficient in correspondence education, it is also necessary to have students take the exam as a general student, and not only the information on junior high school but also which cram school is suitable for the child in the end. You also have to collect information on cram schools that are strong in your school of choice.

At first glance, it seems that there are only disadvantages, but inevitably there are many situations where parents and children work together, so you can experience the feeling that the family is running toward one goal together, and the sense of accomplishment is also the same. You will taste it.It's not just about sending to the cram school and waiting for the results such as improvement or decrease in grades, but what you do not understand, what you should follow to understand, what is compared to the child who goes to the cram school There are many families who have greatly improved their academic ability by advancing while feeling in real time what they have done and what they have not done.

We recommend that you make a decision after confirming what kind of junior high school exam life you want to have.

Choose between the good points of distance learning and the good points of cram school

In fact, attending a cram school does not give you 100% peace of mind. Moreover, just because you attended a cram school does not mean that you do not have to struggle. It is necessary to manage not only the person but also the parents because the cram school and correspondence education are the same.

However, since the cram school has a solid methodology for taking the exam, it is important to note that some people may be left to the task of getting a pass ticket just by going to the cram school.

It can be said that it is difficult to obtain the latest information on examination schools and a competitive environment through distance learning, so daily learning is based on distance learning, and it is used while incorporating the merits unique to cram schools, such as tests and special training courses for each school of choice. There is also a way to do it.

If you are trying to take a junior high school exam in correspondence education, the recommended correspondence course is​ Here


First place


A deviation value of 70 is not a dream depending on how you do it

The correspondence course of Z-kai is a junior high school examination course from the third grade. Two types, paper media and tablets.

Lectures can be conducted on tablets and computers. (Started in February)

The teaching materials themselves are composed of fairly difficult problems, so it can be said that they are very powerful teaching materials.

It is a highly recommended teaching material for children who are tenacious and focused.

Since the junior high school exam course starts from the third grade, which is one year earlier than the cram school, it is possible to study in advance.

In order to reach the passing level from middle school to difficult junior high school (deviation value 50-60)

Basically, you can aim to pass by studying according to the grade, but since it is necessary to solve a large number of patterned problems, it is recommended to purchase a separate reference book etc. to strengthen that part.

It is said that past questions are recommended from the fall of the final grade, but it is recommended to start before the summer vacation as much as possible.

To reach the passing level in the most difficult junior high school (deviation value 60-70)

The good thing about Z-kai is that you can learn ahead of time. The junior high school exam course starts from the third grade, but the method needs to be adjusted by gradually increasing the pace while advancing it by half a year or one month ahead of schedule.

Although it is a very difficult teaching material, it is necessary to study in advance for the second grade at a time, complete the entire process up to the sixth grade by the fifth grade, and in the final grade, study in the course dedicated to the desired school in combination with the cram school.

We also recommend that you read the past questions from the winter vacation of the 5th grade and solve them little by little. It is recommended that you complete 3 to 5 laps of past questions by the fall of 6th grade. Regarding past questions, some schools look at the explanations of the answers and study them, and some schools also distribute videos of the explanations on the Internet, so it is a good idea to make good use of them.

Since the curriculum of the Z-kai's aspiring school preparation course is provided just before the time of driving in, the examination period will be entered without being digested.

We recommend that you take measures ahead of schedule in order to prepare for sufficient measures.

In addition to the above, test time management techniques are required to aim for the most difficult junior high school. Training to improve the ability to select problems and techniques and skills such as pulling out a solution to a problem that is not new to you are also required. Even in everyday learning, if you take measures such as solving while setting a short time and using a cram school, it will be easier to demonstrate the thinking ability and the ability to grasp the essence, which are the strengths of Z-kai.

Click here for details

2nd place


You can aim for a deviation value of 50 units!

The Shinkenzemi junior high school exam course is offered as an option .

With teaching materials that use relatively easy-to-understand drawings from a child's perspective, learning is advanced with a child-friendly approach. (Started in April)

Even if you don't go to a cram school, you can easily continue your lessons, the price is reasonable, and you can start from 6,820 yen (tax included) per month. Even if it is difficult for us to teach, Mr. Akapen, who is in charge of teaching junior high school exams, will carefully guide you. Difficult problems that are difficult to understand are followed by a video lesson of 5 to 10 minutes per subject per month by a TOP instructor at a junior high school exam cram school, and a professional math instructor explains the math confirmation problem in the "class text" live. You can proceed by teaching from how to solve math that is easy to make a difference. It can be said that it is a very easy teaching material for basic learning.

-To reach the passing level in middle school (deviation value-50 units)

Basically, you can aim to pass by studying according to the grade, but since there are many problems that emphasize the basic ability of the junior high school exam, the amount of other exercises and the ability to solve applied problems are a little insufficient.

We recommend that you purchase a separate reference book to strengthen that part.

We recommend that you read the past questions from around the summer vacation of the final year and start working on them in earnest from autumn.

-To reach the passing level in difficult junior high school (deviation value-60 units)

It is best to proceed in combination with a cram school.

While developing the basic skills with this teaching material, it is necessary to acquire time management techniques through tests etc. at the cram school. In addition, due to the lack of applied problems and measures for the school of choice, it is essential to take a course dedicated to the school of choice.

We recommend that you start the past questions before the summer vacation of the final grade.

Click here for details

3rd place

Aim for a deviation value of 55!

e-point online school

Although e-point online school is less well known than other correspondence courses, it is actually Japan's first learning service using the Internet. Having been involved in online learning services for over 20 years, we have a lot of know-how about taking exams.

The junior high school examination course of the e-point online school is provided as a public junior high and high school integrated examination preparation plus, and it is also characterized by being able to receive high-quality classes by instructors of famous preparatory schools such as Yotsuya Otsuka, Sundai, Kawaijuku, and Z-kai.
With a fixed monthly fee of 2,200 yen, you can use it cheaper than general major cram schools and correspondence courses.

With a full range of instructors and lecture content, classes will be held that cover the weak points and stumbling points of the examinees. Approximately 5,400 lecture contents are provided, and study notes are attached according to the lecture video. The length of the lesson is about 10 minutes at a time, so you can study even in the gap time, and it is easy to balance with the lessons. Also, because it is a detailed unit, it is suitable for people who want to study efficiently only in areas where they are not good at. Since you can take lessons not only on a PC but also on a smartphone or tablet, it is easy to incorporate them into your usual learning environment, and you can take lessons even when you are on the move, so you can use your time efficiently.
After taking the lesson, a collection of download questions is prepared as a review of the contents. This makes it possible to carry out efficient learning, such as taking a lesson → fixing the content. As a collection of questions, we have more than 60,000 questions, so it is possible to handle the sufficient amount necessary for fixing. In addition, we cannot overlook the fact that we thoroughly support questions and corrections.
Regular national academic achievement tests are also available.


-To reach the passing level in middle school (deviation value-55)

Each subject deals with only a few applied levels and focuses on laying the groundwork. Therefore, it is recommended to decide to take the junior high school exam and to study in advance before entering the school, focus on repairing weaknesses, and review school lessons. If you are aiming for a higher level of the course when you enter the school, it can be said that it is a highly recommended course.

Since there are many problems that emphasize the basic skills of junior high school exams, it is recommended to purchase a separate reference book in order to improve the amount of exercises and the ability to solve applied problems.

We recommend that you read the past questions from around the summer vacation of the final year and start working on them in earnest from autumn.

-To reach the passing level in difficult junior high school (deviation value-60)

It is best to proceed in combination with a cram school.

While developing the basic skills with this teaching material, it is necessary to acquire time management techniques through tests etc. at the cram school. In addition, due to the lack of applied problems and measures for the school of choice, it is essential to take a course dedicated to the school of choice.

We recommend that you start the past questions before the summer vacation of the final grade.

Click here for details
​On a computer


Aim for a deviation value of 50!

Study supplement

Considering the cost-effectiveness of the overwhelmingly low monthly fee of 1980 yen compared to the other three companies and the quality of the instructors, it can be said that it is a very good teaching material.

There are two study supplements, a basic level and an applied level, and the applied level is the content of the junior high school exam. This is an online learning service for improving grades, covering everything from the 4th grade of elementary school to regular tests for junior high school students and preparation for high school exams.

From elementary school, junior high school, high school, and university entrance exams, you can watch all the lessons of more than 10,000 famous teachers in 5 subjects, 18 subjects, on your PC or smartphone video, and you can download the texts on the members-only site.

I want to acquire reading comprehension and thinking ability for the entrance examination for junior high school. The lesson development focuses not only on the input of knowledge but also on the explanation of exercises.

-To reach the passing level in middle school (deviation value-50)

Basically, it can be used as an auxiliary teaching material , but after all, you can study in advance, so you can learn the learning contents of the junior high school exam at the applied level. All subjects have lesson texts and exercises, and download is free, so it is recommended to use it.

However, since the amount of exercises for taking the junior high school exam is small and there are no measures for the school of your choice, it is essential to work on the reference books and past questions that accompany it.

As a general student, you will also need to take regular monthly tests for junior high school exams, such as open mock exams at cram schools.

Click here for details

To make the junior high school exam successful in correspondence education

Mom's role

* Let's create a curriculum. (Course up to 6th grade)

* Let's take good care of your health. (Eat breakfast well and secure 7 hours of sleep)

* Manage your annual schedule. Schedule by the hour.

* If you are late or unable to do so, talk with your child and manage when to make up for it.

* Find a way to overcome your weaknesses. (Sometimes supplemented using the Internet, magazines, reference books, etc.)

* Be able to manage grades, summarize wrong questions, manage reviews, and provide pre-emptive learning.

* Let's create an environment where children can learn well. (Cleaning on the desk, replenishing necessary teaching materials)

* Let's organize the texts and manage the finished fields with your child.

* It is better to use the cram school together or the cram school course as much as possible.

* Be sensitive to information about taking the junior high school exam. In that sense, get information by taking regular classes at cram schools. (It is also important to get information from friends who go to cram school with the cooperation of children)

* Create an environment where you can compete with each other using external tests such as ability tests and public mock exams.

(4 times a year for 4th grade, 6 times a year for 5th grade, monthly for 6th grade) Please also manage the admission ticket.

* Let's investigate the event (junior high school, cram school).

* Let's analyze the past questions of the school of your choice. (Understanding the trends and problems with similar trends)

* Manage your motivation. (Encourage and take a little break so that you can switch feelings well)

* Let's make a delicious meal.

* There are some items that it is ideal to be able to do it yourself, but in most cases it is impossible due to time constraints.

Let's support you so that you can concentrate on your studies so that you do not feel impatient .

The way mothers work hard for their children is well communicated to their children.

Let's go through with the child on a three-legged race until the end.

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